Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Employee Climate Survey

The results of the 2009 Employee Climate Survey have been received and we will begin the process of reviewing the data and recommendations and determining what we need to do to maintain what seems to be working while improving areas that should be improved.

Overall, the results show a modest improvement in the climate since two years ago. Eight questions showed positive movement and two negative.

As was true two years ago, results will be posted to the "S" drive once administration has had time to preview the findings. NOTE: the results will be published in uncensored and complete form. Employees may review the 2007 results by accessing the S drive and going to the folder labeled "Employee Climate Survey 2007." The 2007 study was done as a "benchmark" so we could measure progress or regression with future surveys.

The 2009 results will be shared in the following ways:
  • President and VPs review and discuss beginning on September 30
  • Leadership Team of all administrators and managers reviews and discusses beginning with special meeting on October 5
  • President's Council reviews and discusses beginning with October 19 meeting
  • A summary presentation and publication of all results will occur at the College Council meeting of October 23
  • A copy of all results will be placed in S drive under folder "Employee Climate Survey 2009" - October 23
  • Open Forum discussions of results and suggestions for action steps will be arranged for later this fall semester

I appreciate the honesty that those who chose to participate demonstrated in completing the survey this year. We will follow up over the course of the year with action steps and changes in plans directly resulting from our discussions of the survey data. These actions, plans and snapshots of the data will be the subject of regular Germane newsletter articles, in emails where appropriate, and through this blog. I will expect that all administrators and managers will look for implications in their own areas and ways that they can use the data.

Germanna is a very positive place with a great mission. However, as is true with any organization and especially in stressful times, we can and we will get better.

David Sam

Germanna sees nearly 40% Increase in Students using VA Benefits this Fall

The number of students attending Germanna Community College and receiving VA benefits has grown by 39.2% from Fall 2008 to Fall 2009.

Comparing calendar year 2009 with calendar year 2008, there are 20% more receiving these benefits.

The enhanced GI Bill benefits, the return of veterans to their homes from active duty, and the economy may all be factors in explaining this increase.

Germanna's overall enrollment has climbed to nearly 7000 students this fall, which is a 7% increase from last fall. Full-time equated enrollment has grown by over 12%, suggesting s students are also taking more classes while enrolled.

We are proud and humbled to serve our veterans and gratified that they see us as a place for their lifelong learning to continue.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Spotsylvania County BOS Supports Building III

Good News! Last night after my presentation and Q&A, the Spotsylvania BOS voted 7-0 asking County staff to prepare a plan with college personnel for committing to fund $1.2 million over several years for Building III at FAC. Final vote will be at the regular meeting on either October 13 or 27.

My thanks to all the Spotsylvania Board members, to chair Hap Connor and Vice Chair Gary Skinner, to Doug Barnes and Russell Seymour at the County Administration, and to college staff who helped me prepare my presentation.

Special thanks to Bruce Davis of both of our Boards for his help and to Bruce and Jane Wallace for their presence and support last night. Much thanks also to Rick Brehm for being at the meeting, helping answer questions, and his ongoing and superlative hard work.

See today’s FLS:



Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Financial Aid Success

Congratulations to Mike Farris and the staff in Germanna's Financial Aid Office.

Despite a more than doubling of Pell applications for the month of August between 2007 and 2009, and an increase of 40% more Pell recipients than last year already, all Financial Aid for fall has been disbursed to students as of Friday September 18 at 5 pm--- One month earlier than in the past.

I deeply appreciate all of the hard work Financial Aid staff have done and continue to do to serve the increased number of students who need us.

I am proud of all of our staff and faculty. Their dedication and service during these hard times is exemplary.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

More details on how the state budget cuts will affect Germanna

Friday afternoon, during a conference call with the Chancellor and presidents of all 23 community colleges, we heard the grim details on the cumulative effect of all of the cuts. The cumulative effect of the previous and new cuts in the VCCS budget will take over $105 million out of the combined budget by fiscal year 2012.

This recent cut will take $20 million out of this year’s budget because of the one-time use of the Federals stimulus monies, once the Federal Government approves this use. Beginning July 1, 2010, this total cut rises to nearly $46 million. On July 1, 2011, the stimulus monies run out and the total cuts made since 2007 rise to $105 million a year.

We now have the following clarifications regarding the Governor’s budget cuts:

  • The one-day furlough applies to all full-time employees including faculty. Each college has the flexibility to determine the least disruptive date, but we were advised to wait on implementing until after the Assembly meets in the new year. This furlough day will not impact VRS final compensation calculations for those who are retiring.
  • The State has been paying both the employer cost and the employee cost for VRS retirement contributions. Employees used to pay 5%. The state will not make the employer contribution in the fourth quarter. This will not affect service credits or final retirement amounts. Nor do the employees have to pay this contribution in the fourth quarter.
  • We are being told that the VRS rate for fiscal year 2011 will jump significantly due to losses in the investment portfolio used to pay out, but details on how much and whether employees will have to pay any or all of this remains undetermined at this time.
  • Those in the Optional Retirement Plan (ORP) are not affected this year. Whether the state contribution will change next year is also undetermined.

In the last two years, all 23 community colleges combined have seen an enrollment increase of about 20,000 students, roughly the size of 4 new state universities. Germanna's enrollment has climbed to its highest level ever.

Without a tuition increase or some other way of compensating for some of the lost revenue, Virginia’s community colleges will be reducing programs and services at the same time that huge numbers of additional students are coming to us for their education towards a good career.

We are using every efficiency and quality improvement we can. Nonetheless, we have reached past the point of doing "more with less."

I am confident in our faculty and staff. I have never been prouder in them than now, watching how hard they work with 25% more students than 3 years ago and fewer staff. It will be hard, but we will continue to do our best to serve our students and communities and fulfill our mission.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lest We Forget

All of us lost something on September 11, 2001.

Some of us lost all.

Let us pause today to remember:
- those who died
- those who were hurt
- those who rushed in to help, some of whom never came out
- those who lost someone they loved
- those who have died fighting since then
- those who may be in combat at this moment, some so young they do not even clearly remember this day eight years ago

And let us affirm that the values our nation stands for at its best will be preserved not only in the actions of the heroes who battle fire and crime or who battle in war, but also those who are patriots in their quiet actions of each common day.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

More Details on the Budget Cuts

We have received clarification on two items in the Governor's press release:
  • Further savings are achieved through targeted strategies that will reduce general fund spending by an additional $446 million—including more than $104 million in reduced payments to the Virginia Retirement System (VRS) for the final quarter of FY 2010. Contribution rates for the Commonwealth and its employees will be changed in July at the beginning of the next biennium to adequately fund the long-term needs of the retirement system.

We believe that employees will not see a difference in the current year but that as early as the last quarter of this fiscal year and most likely beginning in July employees will be asked to pay for a portion of our state retirement.

  • A one-day furlough of all state employees on the Friday proceeding Memorial Day 2010. Agencies with critical or emergency personnel are instructed to accommodate staffing needs and make adjustments to the furlough date accordingly.

We now know that this does apply to us. I will decide how we will implement after further discussions with vice presidents and other administrators and let you know.

I regret the hardships these decisions will bring to all of you. Further clarification will be announced as soon as available.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Governor Kaine announces further budget cuts

As you may have heard, Governor Kaine has announced that he is permanently cutting the budget for community colleges totaling 13% of our appropriation. The Governor is going to partially offset that cut by about 6% using federal stimulus funds this year, so that the current year net reduction will be about 7%. Next year's budget will include the full cut.

Details on this will be coming to us over the next couple of days, including whether the one-day furlough announced will apply to community colleges.

The good news for Germanna is that our reduction in the current year will be around 7% and that we have already made cuts in anticipation. No additional cuts will be required this year.

However, next year's budget will require further reductions. I will keep you informed as we build that budget. I also will be available to employees for questions at the upcoming open forum on September 15 11 am to noon in rooms LGC 100 and FAC 225 and at the In-Service meeting on October 1 at DTC.

Please check back on this blog for further information as it becomes available.