Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Culpeper Chamber is sponsoring a Legislative Breakfast on Dec. 2:
Save the Date: Groundbreaking

Save the Date: Groundbreaking for the New Science, Engineering & Library Building on the Fredericksburg Area Campus of Germanna Community College

** Save the Date **

Groundbreaking for the new Science, Engineering & Library Building 
on the Fredericksburg Area Campus of
Germanna Community College

Friday, February 11, 2011 (afternoon)

Please save the date for the groundbreaking ceremony for our new Science and Engineering Building at the Fredericksburg Area Campus. This 50,000 sq. ft. facility will support the educational and workforce needs of our region.

As a leader in the community, your participation in this event is extremely important to us. Details will follow and a personal invitation will be sent closer to the event.


David A. Sam, President
Germanna Community College
having lunch with Germanna donor Adam Fried
congratulations to Misty Mesimer (GCC Dental Program Director) and her husband on the birth of their daughter, Donna
Our Great Expecations Program means a lot to foster youth in Virginia:
congratulations to Germanna's Dean of Students, Pam Frederick, nominated as VP for Bus. Ed.& Tech. at the Orange Chamber of Commerce
chairing the weekly meeting of the Orange Rotary Club

Monday, November 29, 2010

Germanna offers options:
chairing the regular meeting of Germanna's Leadership Team---we are discussing the book Crucial Conversations

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

A Thanksgiving Message:

Thanksgiving Message - 2010

Thanksgiving Proclamation 1777
by the Continental Congress:
the first national Thanksgiving proclamation

November 1, 1777

FORASMUCH as it is the indispensable Duty of all Men to adore the superintending Providence of Almighty God; to acknowledge with Gratitude their Obligation to him for Benefits received, and to implore such farther Blessings as they stand in Need of: And it having pleased him in his abundant Mercy, not only to continue to us the innumerable Bounties of his common Providence; but also to smile upon us in the Prosecution of a just and necessary War, for the Defense and Establishment of our unalienable Rights and Liberties; particularly in that he hath been pleased, in so great a Measure, to prosper the Means used for the Support of our Troops, and to crown our Arms with most signal success:

It is therefore recommended to the legislative or executive Powers of these UNITED STATES to set apart THURSDAY, the eighteenth Day of December next, for SOLEMN THANKSGIVING and PRAISE


With these words, the first official proclamation of Thanksgiving by an American Government was made in a time of war for independence. Beginning in 1789, George Washington began the tradition of a Presidential Proclamation, a tradition that continues to this day.

The Pilgrim Hall Museum web site has all official national proclamations since then: http://www.pilgrimhall.org/ThanxProc.htm


Thanksgiving should be more than just turkey and football. It is a wonderful chance to gather together with those dearest to us. However, not everyone can be present at the table.

It is a tradition at formal military dinners to leave a place setting and an empty chair for those who were lost in action.

I humbly suggest that we all consider doing so this Thanksgiving to remember those lost in war, those serving in war, and thus to honor them. They would be with us if they could. So let us not forget them whether they be family, friend or stranger.

We may also want to use this opportunity for those whom we love who have died or are unable to be with us for any reason.


Finally, every holiday is most special for children. Thanksgiving is an opportunity to extend traditions and teach our children about our history, about the sacrifice of those who have served in war and peace, and model the deepest meaning of family and friendship.

May every one of you enjoy a safe and happy Thanksgiving with family and friends.


Happy Thanksgiving
We are thankful for those like Culpeper Supervisor Bill Chase and Orange resident William Howard who served in war and peace
We are thankful for our partnerships with local area Chambers of Commerce
Social Media and the role of college president: http://ping.fm/HDgXS
More coverage of the donation from Capital One to our Middle College

Monday, November 22, 2010

Congratulations to Cheryl Huff for receiving a VCCS Professional Development Mini-grant to help improve online education
My poem of reflection on a year spent in Lead Virginia:

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Caroline County student to earn Associate's Degree at GCC before high school graduation:
Congratulations to GCC's 2011 NISOD honorees: Cheryl Huff, Patti Lisk, Sarah Somerville, Leigh Hancock for contributions to student learning
Congratulations to Win Stevens, GCC Disabilities Services Coordinator, recognized at the Champions of Disability Employment Awards Luncheon
Congratulations to Germanna faculty member Cory MacLauchlin who signed with Da Capo Press to publish a biography of John Kennedy
Germanna's newsletter is available here:

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

celebrating Connie Kincheloe's retiring from the state Foundation for Community College Education
enjoyed last night's Chamber dinner in Madison

Monday, November 15, 2010

convening President's Council for November followed by individual meetings with direct reports

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Friday, November 12, 2010

meeting with Nursing faculty to listen to their ideas and concerns
meeting with all full-time faculty to discuss reengineering, budget, and other items, answer questions, and listen to concerns
Few things are harder to put up with than the annoyances of a good example. - Mark Twain

Thursday, November 11, 2010

welcoming Doris Buffett and her biographer Mike Zitz to their talk and book-signing at our Culpeper Daniel Center
Attended Local College Board meeting
Congratulations and our deepest thanks to Culpeper Regional Health Systems, Germanna's 2011 Philantropist of the Year
Doris Buffett speaks tonight at Daniel Tech Center | Star-Exponent http://ping.fm/yRf63

Remember Forever

On this Veterans' Day, we should pause to remember the sacrifice our men and women have made and continue to make to defend their country, to go where we ask them, and to do what we ask of them. We should thank any veteran we meet. Unless we have been there ourselves, we can only imagine what they have faced so that we at home do not have to.

In tribute and with humility, I offer the following impression:


He has every warrior’s eyes,
slits in sooty face,
unfocused pupils that
gaze for long distances.

He has blood and smoke
for the warrior’s paint
battled in streaks across
his ancient face.

In a year, when he is home,
Kentucky backfires will
send him into action again,
ready to combat shadows,

stirring dreams etched in
engrams, permanent
patterns of flash and sound,
death and dirt, pain

and that giddy elation
of dealing in mortality.
He felt pain. He dealt pain.
In Fallujah he fought until

it fell in smoking ruin.
He knew the way the roadside
erupted in fire and cloud
like Yahweh’s smoking pillar

but without its message.
He is ancient. He is eighteen.
He is a lit cigarette dangling
smoke from a hundred

burning rubble piles
into a dreadful blue
Iraqi heaven.
He has every warrior’s

dream---to be as
dead as necessary for
one more day closer to
what once was home.
met with Caroline Schools Superintendent, Greg Killough, at his office in Bowling Green concerning our partnership
enjoyed the CEO breakfast at the Jepson Center listening to Robert Nutting of the Pittsburgh Pirates, Ogden Newspapers, and & Springs Resort

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

attended meeting with UMW, GMU, Stafford County, and MTCSC on possible partnership

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Met with study committee of Stafford EDA regarding Germanna's future plans in the County
Had a great lunch & conversation with UMW president Rick Hurley at La Petite

Germanna Student Leaders Attend 2010 VCCS Student Leadership Conference in Richmond

Germanna Community College again sent a team to this year's VCCS Student Leadership Conference:
  • Brittany Curtis, S.G.A. President, is a Science major.
  • Kim Harding, S.G.A. Vice-President, is a Liberal arts Major.
  • Loren Catlett,Treasurer of S.G.A., is majoring in General Studies.
  • Carla Craft, S.G.A. Secretary, is a Liberal Arts major.
  • Amanda Dodson, S.G.A. Senator, is a General Studies major.
  • Mark Mattozzi, S.G.A. Senator, is also V.P. of the College Republicans and a Science major.
  • Morgen Jones, S.G.A. Senator, is a Science major.
  • Eric Tate serves as a Work-Study student assisting in the Student Activities office and is a General Studies Major.
  • Paige Riley is this year’s Commonwealth Legacy Scholar and a General Studies major. 
Advisors  who accompanied the team include Jimmy Cassesse, Student Activities Assistant and Tami Goodstein, Student Activities Coordinator along with Dean of Student Services, Pam Frederick.


The students report that a major highlight of the conference was a presentation from Wes Moore. Moore is a Rhodes Scholar and combat veteran of Afghanistan who worked as a special assistant to Condoleezza Rice. Our students received copies of his book, The Other Wes Moore: One Name, Two Fates. The students found his comments inspirational. They had the opportunity to have him sign his book after the session.

On Saturday, I enjoyed presenting a session entitled "It's NOT All About Me: Servant leadership in a Time of Uncertainty" for about 60 of the 450 attendees.

My congratulations to the team who represented Germanna and their colleague students very well.
spoke about Germanna C C to the Madison County Lions' Club early this morning

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Saturday, November 6, 2010

so proud of the student speakers at Yesterday's scholarship reception and Foundation banquet Michael Ly, Shavanta Hayes, Jennifer St. John

Friday, November 5, 2010

Our deepest thanks to the Orange County Chamber of Commerce for its resolution congratulating Germanna on our 40th Anniversary
looking forward to today's Scholarship Luncheon with donors & student recipients & tonight's Foundation Dinner Meeting at LOW Clubhouse
Gray, trembling aspen,/sun streaked in autumn gold leaf,/rustling of old leaves.
Congrats to Marcy, our Great Expectations Coordinator, & our Financial Aid Director, Michael on the birth of son Benjamin Michael Farris
Congratulations to Chuck Gyory
- 2010 Henretty Outstanding Citizen of Culpeper http://ping.fm/UOY74

Thursday, November 4, 2010

attending Culpeper Chamber dinner and awards cdremony
We thank the Culpeper Business Women’s organization for offering a â€Å“Moms” scholarship to women attending GCC this spring 2011 semester

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

attended and celebrating the ribbon-cutting for the new Fredericksburg Area WIB. A great partnership Germanna is proud to be a part of.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

The loudest voice is not always the voice that should be heard---vote to be heard.
GCC Nursing students gathered 359 lbs of canned goods to Fredericksburg Food Bank in October---287 meals for hungry residents - great work!
presenting a student success workshop called "How to Get the Most out of Your College Professor"
chairing weekly Orange Rotary Club meeting

Monday, November 1, 2010

The GCC Educational Foundation Annual Meeting and 40th Anniversary Gala is this Friday at the Lake of the Woods Clubhouse in Orange County